Contact Us

Upper Halfway School

22308 Upper Halfway Rd (also know as Mile 95 Rd)

Phone:   (250) 772-5032

Office email:

Principal:         Jaclyn Gieni

Administrative Assistant:       Twyla Selin

Mail can be sent to us through the SD60 School Board office at:

Upper Halfway School
c/o School District No. 60
10112 105 Ave
Fort St John BC, V1J 4S4

Our Staff

First NameLast NamePositionEmail - add
JaclynGieniPrincipal & Teacher K-3jgieni
NeilGodinTeacher 4-9ngodin
AbegailFritzEA / LPM
NadjaWeinsEA / Meals
TwylaSelinAdministrative Assistanttselin


You can find us northwest of Fort St John on the map below.